freeqnet’s Mixtape wichteln / freeqnet’s Mixtape Secret Santa / freeqnet의 비밀 선물 믹스테이프를 보내기

(이 블로그-포스트가 밑에 한국어로 있어요). (There’s an English version of this blog post below.)

freeqnet ist ein deutsche Musik Blog (daher gibts diesen Post auch in Deutsch) welcher vor ein paar Wochen ein Mixtape Wichteln organisierte. Die Leute welche mitmachen erstellen ein Mixtape. Es wird dann zugelost, an wen man diese Mixtape sentet und vom wem man eins erhält. Ich mag Mixtape basteln, also hab ich mitgemacht. Letzte Woche habe ich meins gebastelt und abgeschickt. Nach dem wartete ich bis mein Mixtape ankam. Diese Woche wars dann soweit und das Tape kam.

Ich hoffe das es kein Kericht ist

Ich hoffe das es kein Kericht ist

Ich weiss nicht ob der Empfänger mein Mixtape schon erhalten hat. Daher erzähl ich nicht wohin es ging, es soll ja eine Überraschung sein.

Ich habe meins von LemonHead erhalten. Danke vielmals dafür. Das Tape hat keine Song-Liste. Ich kenne also die Lieder Namen nicht. Ich könnte natürlich nach den Lieder fragen, aber alles zu wissen macht nicht dringend mehr Spass. Ich werde später nach dem Lieder Namen fragen. Hier Bilder vom Mixtape, geschossen mit der grottigen Handy-Cam:

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

Hier ist mein Lieder rätseln und meine Gedanken dazu. Ich glaub das viele Lieder Mashups sind, also ist es sehr schwer den Namen zu erraten ;).

  • Das Erste ist ein Rock Song. Guter Start. Ich glaube das es von den Ärzten ist.
  • Das Zweite bis zum Fünften sind auch Rock Lieder. Vermutlich Mashups?
  • Das sechste Lied hat ein lustiger Text, aber ich kenn das Lied ebenfalls nicht.
  • Das Siebte ist ein Mashup mit Beastie Boys mit einem weitern bekannten Song? Weiss aber die Namen nicht.
  • Das Achte hat eine coole Bass und Drum Line. Und der Sänger hat eine Reggae Stimme.
  • Der 10te Song ist nun Elektronisch und ich mag ihn verdammt gut. Ich kenn die Melodie aber hab den Liednamen vergessen.
  • Das 11te Lied ist auch ein gutes Mashup mit dem ‘We Are Your Friends’-Lied.
  • Das 12te ist ein gutes Mashup mit Beastie Boys Sabotage und einem anderen bekannten Song.
  • Nummer 13 ist Apollo 440 – Stop The Rock?
  • Das 14te Lied started mit ein komischen Computer Stimme. Dann ist es ein altens gutes Trance Lied.
  • Nummer 15 ist Paul Van Dyk’s Time of our Lives. Toller Song.
  • Das 15te Lied ist etwas ruhiger und ein guter Abschluss.

Allen in allem ein tolles Mixtape und nochmals vielen Dank. Danke auch freeqnet für die Organisation. Ich bereu nicht mitgemacht zu haben.

freeqnet의 비밀 선물 믹스테이프를 보내기

freeqnet는 독일 블로그 쓰는 사람이예요. 그래서 난 이 블로그-포스트를 또 독일어로 썼어요. 몇주 전에 freeqnet는 비밀 선물 믹스테이프를 보내는 게 계획했는데요. 참가한 사람이  믹스테이프를 만들어요. 그리고 누구한테서 누구한테 테이프를 보내는 것 불시 결정을 했어요. 난 믹스테이프 만들기 좋아해요, 그래서 참가했어요. 지난주에 내 테이프를 만들고 보냈어요. 그것 후에 나한테 테이프를 기다렸어요. 이번 주에 그 테이프 왔어요.

쓰레기 아니고 싶어요.

쓰레기 아니고 싶어요.

내 테이프를 사람한테 받았으면 몰라요. 그래서 누구한테  받았은 걸 얘기하면 안돼요. 이 것이 놀라는 걸 되고 싶어요.

LemonHead한테서 믹스테이프 받았어서 매우 고마워요. 테이프는 노래 목록이 없는데 내가 노래의 이름 몰라요. 내가 LemonHead을 물어볼 수 있어요. 근데, 다 아는 게 재미 없어요. 나중에 노래의 이름을 물어볼 거에요. 여기 테이프 사진들 있어요. 내 핸드폰의 카메라 별러 안 좋아서 그 사진 안 좋아요:

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

여기 난 LemonHead의 테이프 어떻게 이라고 생각해요. 많은 노래들든 매시업인 것 같아서 노래를 아는 것 어려워요:

  • 1째 노래는 락-음악 이에요. 좋은 노래하고 좋은 시작이에요. 그 밴드는 ‘Die Ärzte’인 것 같아요.
  • 2째부터 5개까지 노래는 락-음악도이에요. 아마 매시업이예요?
  • 6째 노래는 가사가 아주 재미있어요. 근데 또 그 노래 몰라요.
  • 7째 노래는 ‘Beastie Boys’이랑 다른 유명한 팝송이랑 매시업이예요? 근데 유명한 팝송 이름 몰라요.
  • 8째 노래는 베이스과 드럼이에요. 그리고 가수는 레게-목소리가 있어요.
  • 10째 노래는 전자 음악이에요. 난 이 노래를 매우 좋아해요. 멜로디 알지만 노래의 이름이 잊어버렸어요.
  • 11째 또 좋은 ‘We Are Your Friends’-매시업이에요.
  • 12째 Beastie Boys의 Sabotage랑 다른 유명한 노래는 매시업 좋아요.
  • 13째 노래는 Apollo 440 – Stop The Rock이에요.
  • 14째 노래는 이상한 콤포퍼 목소리 함께 시작하고 낡은 트랜스 노래예요.
  • 15째 Paul Van Dyk의 Time of our Lives는이예요. 난 그 노래 좋아해요.
  • 16째 노래는 고요하고 이 믹스테이프를 끝나요.

드디어, 넌 LemonHead의 테이프를 좋아해서 감사해요. 그리고 freeqnet가 계획했어서 고마워요. 넌 참가했어사 후회 안해요.

freeqnet’s Mixtape Secret Santa

freeqnet is a German music blog (Therefore the German version of this post), which organized a Mixtape Secret Santa a few weeks ago. The participants create a mixtape. Then the receiver and senders are randomly paired. I like to create Mixtapes, so I participated. Last week I created my tape and sent it. After that I waited until the tape for me arrived. This week it then arrived.

I hope the mixtape isn't trash

I hope the mixtape isn't trash

I don’t know if my tape already arrived. So I shouldn’t tell who’s receiving it. It should be a surprise.

I received my mixtape from LemonHead, thanks a lot for it. The tape doesn’t have a song list with it, so I don’t know the names of the songs. I could ask LemonHead, but where’s to fun in that? I will ask for the names later. Here are some pictures of the tape. Sorry for the quality of the crappy mobile-cam shoots:

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

믹스테이프 받았어요.

Here are my thoughts abut LemonHead’s mixtape. I think that many songs are mashups, so knowing the songs is quite difficult:

  • The 1st song is rock song and a good start. I think it’s from the band ‘Die Ärzte’.
  • From 2nd to the 5th traks are also rock songs. Probably mashups.
  • The 6th song has a damn fun lyrics. But I also don’t know the name of this song.
  • The 7th is a mashup with Beastie Boys and some other popular song? But I don’t know the names.
  • The 8th song has a great bass and drum line. And the singer has a Reggae voice.
  • The 10th song is a electronic track, which I like a ton. I recongize the melody, but don’t know the name of the song.
  • The 11th Song is a nice ‘We Are Your Friends’-mashup
  • Number 12 is nice mashup with Beastie Boys’s Sabotage and some other popular song
  • Number 13 is Apollo 440 – Stop The Rock
  • The 14th song starts with a weird computer voice and then turns into a old trance classic
  • Number 15 is Paul Van Dyk’s Time of our Lives. Love it.
  • The 16th track is a little calmer and a great ending.

All in all, it’s a great mixtape, thanks again. And thanks freeqnet for the organisation. I don’t regret for taking part in this.

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7 thoughts on “freeqnet’s Mixtape wichteln / freeqnet’s Mixtape Secret Santa / freeqnet의 비밀 선물 믹스테이프를 보내기

  1. Pingback: Mixtape-Wichteln Reloaded: Die Auswertung » freeQnet

  2. kakana

    wow it’s amazing
    how long have you been stuying korea?
    althougth the sentences written in korea isn’t perfect, i can understand what you write

  3. gamlerhart Post author

    Sorry, your comments were stuck in the SPAM filter. Anyway, started learning Korean around August last Year. And yes, I will take a long time until my Korean sentences get better. But as long as I’ve fun with I will keep going =).