October 24, 2017

Async Database Connector for Java (ADBCJ) on JCenter

Due to lack of time and interest, ADBCJ is in ‘maintenance’ mode. However, I still improve it from time to time =).

ADBCJ will be fine ^.^
Figure 1. ADBCJ will be fine .

ADBCJ in JCenter

Finally, ADBCJ is in a decent Maven repository! That is a long standing to do crossed of the list. First, you’ll need to add JCenter to your projects maven repos. Unless your build tool has the JCenter by default. For Maven:


After than you include ADBCJ as a dependency.

MySQL driver:


H2 driver:



Java 8

Recent ADBCJ versions requires Java 8. Instead of ADBCJ’s own future implementations, methods now return Java 8’s completable futures =).

Callback API

Java 8’s futures are not every bodies taste. Especially other JVM language have their own futures and concurrency constructs. Or you might really do not want a future based control flow. So, I changed ADBCJ’s basic API to be callback driven. That allows to use other concurrency constructs without going through Java futures as intermediate step. The Java 8 completable future methods are also implemented in term of these futures.

Examples on Github

Examples how to use ADBCJ are on GitHub.

Tags: Async Java