More IntelliJ Idea 8.0

After the release of version 8.0 I’ve immediately started using it. Here a small list of little improvements, which may aren’t that obvious:

IntelliJ Idea supports a wide range of programming languages: Java, Groovy, JavaScript, SQL  XML, HTML and more. Often a language is embedded within another language. For example SQL in Java-Code, or JavaScript in HTML. IDEA recognizes common usages of such language-in-language-patterns. Additionally you can specify your own language-injections. For example if an method-parameter takes HQL, you simply specify in the idea configuration:


And in action. The yellow marked part is HQL and is properly recognized by Idea:

You can create your own Popup-Quick-List. First create a list of favorite commands and bind it then to a keyboard-combination. Done!

Create the list:

Assign to a key-combination:

And the list in action:

Improved introduce-field, -parameter, -variable support
All introduce-refactorings for fields, parameters and variables brings up a pop-up with a selection which part of the expression should be assigned to the field/variable. Of course when an expression is already marked, it wont ask for it:

In action: