
CouplingAfter the breakup with Jane Steve falls in love with Susan. This also shakes up the relations between the close friends of Steve and Susan. Anyway the six friends go through turbulent times together.

Coupling (IMDb, Wikipedia) is a hilarious sitcom about relations-ships,  sex and bottoms. Each episode follows the group of the six main characters. Often the episode isn’t a linear timeline, but a interleaving of the current events and previous ones. This interleaving is cleverly used to set up different context for each group. Mixing this different contexts leads then to damned funny misunderstandings. Anyway, the show does a great job playing with misinterpretation and expectations and has a great sense of humor.  
The choice of characters is optimal for such a show. There are two characters  (Steve and Susan) which are sensible and somewhat realistic, so that you can sympathize with them. The other four characters are just crazy fools and there you entertain the audience.

Coupling ran for four successful season. There’s also a U.S. and an Greek remake, so ensure that you pick the original.

Star-O-Meter: starstarstarstarstar (5/5)

Clip 1: Angry Susan


Clip 2: Jeff Kissed Someone


Clip 3: (same scene from two different perspectives)

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