Skins (Season 1-2)
Skins (IMDb, Wikipedia) is a British teen dramedy television-series. It revolves around a group of young teenager and their lives, troubles and friendship. The stereotypical looser Sid, egoistic and manipulative…
Read moreSkins (IMDb, Wikipedia) is a British teen dramedy television-series. It revolves around a group of young teenager and their lives, troubles and friendship. The stereotypical looser Sid, egoistic and manipulative…
Read moreI’ve watched Joan of Arcadia(IMDb, Wikipedia) after Wonderfalls, because it has a similar plot. However instead of animals God himself talks to Joan. Its basically a typical teen-drama but given…
Read moreI’ve first watched a snipped of Veronica Mars (IMDb, Wikipedia) in German TV because my sister was watching it. Myfirst thought was that it is yet another teenager soap opera…
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